Health Services & Programming
Ensuring the health and well-being of our community is at the heart of what we do.
The health department oversees our members' medical care, mental wellness support, dental care and addiction support. We also offer programs and support for prenatal care, maternal care, parenting support and nutritional guidance.
Sipekne’katik Health Centre is a member of the Tajikeimɨk - Mi’kmaq Health Authority. They meet every week and are a member along with the 13 other Mi’kmaq community health directors — all with a shared vision to transform Mi’kmaq health and standard of living.
Click one of the buttons below to learn more about the services provided by Sipekne’katik Health Centre
Health Centre
How to book an appointment
Call or visit the health centre office to book an appointment. Appointments are typically booked one to two weeks out.
Transfer of care information
Transfer of care is an agreement to only be seen by the medical team at the health centre. Patients cannot book appointments with their previous family doctors.
The first appointment of care is usually booked with the nurse practitioner. However, patients may request a specific health practitioner if desired.
Patients transferring their care to the medical centre can request the medical centre staff to request their medical records from previous family doctors or specialists.
Dental Care
Oral health is a key part of your overall health and wellness. Through dentistry services and programs, Band Members are able to access oral healthcare.
Dentistry information
Appointments with the dentist are available every second Tuesday or Friday of the month (rotating).
Dental hygiene appointments are available every Thursday.
Appointments are booked by calling or visiting the health centre. We will do our best to fit patients in as soon as possible.
Our office may refer you to the nearest community dentist if emergency treatment is needed.
Children’s Oral Health Initiative (COHI)
COHI is a program that focuses on the prevention of dental decay and disease, as well as the promotion of good oral health. Interventions may include fluoride treatments.
How to make an appointment with the COHI team:
Call or visit the health centre
Complete the consent form provided to you before or at the first appointment
Mental Wellness
The mental health and wellness of our Band Members is important.
In our community, we have learned that everyone is different, and coping with everyday stressors can be challenging. Our goal is to find what works for each individual in the community. Supports and resources are available to anyone suffering from poor mental health. Explore our available services, supports, and resources.
Our health and wellness staff can help you find the support you need and want.
Adult Mental Health Referral
Youth Mental Health Referral
Family First
Suicide Prevention
Kids Help Line 1-800-668-6865
Certified Addictions Counselling
Addiction Services & Prevention
The Community Addiction Service workers are available to assist those negatively affected by alcohol, drug and gambling abuse.
Using a holistic approach with your well-being as a priority, we are mindful that everyone comes from different backgrounds. We offer support and guidance for the 12-step program, the medicine wheel, and the 7 sacred teachings.
Community Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings are Tuesdays at the Eagles Nest from 8:00pm – 9:00 pm.
Along with these services, the community Addiction Worker also promotes various sober and substance-free community activities throughout the year, emphasizing wellbeing and Mi’kmaq culture.
To set up an appointment or for more information, please get in touch with your Community Addiction Worker. Our offices are easily accessible and are centrally located at the Sipekne’katik Health Centre.
We offer a range of services that include:
Professional Counselling
Assessment for substance abuse dependency
Relapse prevention & addiction education
Long-term treatment plans
Aftercare Plans/follow-ups
Detox referrals
Treatment center referrals
Opioid Maintenance Program Referrals & Support
Circle of Care
Community programs
Blood Collection
Blood collection appointments at the health centre are available on Tuesdays from 8 am - 11:30 am. Appointments are required.
Call or visit the health centre to book your blood collection appointment.
Appointments are booked on a first-come-first-served basis and are scheduled ten minutes apart.
If fasting is required for your bloodwork, we will try to book your appointment as early in the day as possible.
If bloodwork is urgent, we will try to accommodate or refer to the Elmsdate blood clinic or the Colchester East Hants Health Centre (Truro Hospital).
Community Health Programs
Community health activities focus on health promotion and injury/illness prevention, including prenatal, maternal, child health, and communicable disease control programs.
Programs and Supports
Pre-natal education and support: nutrition screening and education are offered to all prenatal clients and breastfeeding mothers up to 1 year postnatal. Once a month, a gift card will be provided to encourage good maternal nourishment. Group prenatal classes are offered three times a year.
Postnatal visits: newborns will receive an exam within one week of delivery and as required.
Breastfeeding support: Baby and Me and Tiny Tots is offered once a week at the Head Start building.
Well Baby clinic: immunization and developmental assessment at two months, four months, six months, 12 months and 18 months.
Child health screening: When registering for the Head Start program, PreK, and primary school, parents and children can receive screening for vision, hearing, speech, immunizations, dental, development, mental health and car seat safety.
Child Development support: With the Child Development team, ongoing support will be offered to parents and children to assist in the child's healthy development.
Community Health referrals
The Community Health Nurse can make referrals to:
Nova Scotia Early Childhood Development Intervention Services
Health Beginnings Home Visiting Program
Nova Scotia Hearing and Speech
Legal Aide Indigenous Social Worker
Mental Health and Addictions
Band Designate
Jordan’s Principle
Communicable Disease Control
The goal of communicable disease control is to provide immunization against vaccine-preventable diseases. This includes counselling, treatment, therapy, referral and follow-up if needed. Activities include:
Child and adult immunizations per the Nova Scotia immunization schedule. Contact the community health nurse to book appointments.
Elders Program
Elders group is held Wednesday’s from 11 am - 1 pm at the health centre.
This group is a place to socialize, exercise, craft and enjoy good food and company. To participate, please get in touch with the Elders Program coordinators.
Home Care
Call or visit the health centre to access home care services and ask to speak with our home care team.
The home care team can provide the following:
Home Care assessments
In-home Support (personal care, homemaking, meal prep)
Assist in obtaining access to community services (VON, home oxygen, community rider)
Ordering medical supplies or equipment
Visiting elders
Blood pressure support
Diabetes education
Client management (discharge planning, administrative and paperwork support)