Let's Chat: Custom Election Code
Attention Sipekne'katik Community! 🗣️
The Electoral Office housed at CMM is excited to continue our work on the Custom Election Code process! Here's what you need to know:
Community Engagement: We've held presentations on different election acts, conducted a survey to decide which act to adopt, and held information sessions. However, more valuable input is needed to complete our new custom code.
What's Next? Now that the Sipekne'katik election cycle has concluded, we can continue our work on this important process, we will offer more opportunities for you to share your valuable input.
Educational Resources: Stay tuned for helpful materials to guide our discussions and enhance understanding.
Stay Informed: Keep an eye on the official Sipekne'katik platforms for more updates and information!
Participation is crucial in this process! Join us in ensuring that the custom code serves Sipekne'katik for many years to come. Do not let a few decide for the many.