Inspection & Reporting
The 2017 Housing Inspection & Needs Assessment project categorized participating houses into colours to indicate their priority for repairs.
Two factors were considered in assigning colours; the value of the repairs and the health and safety of the occupants. In terms of health and safety, concerns included the presence of pervasive mold, signs of vermin, excessive pet waste and or significant amounts of stored garbage or personal belongings. Below is the rating scale:
Red- 1st priority
Orange- 2nd priority
Yellow- 3rd priority
Green- 4th priority
For questions about house inspection, contact the Housing office.
Periodic Inspections and Entry into the Unit
At this time, we do not have an Inspection Request form for occupants to fill out. Inspections should be at least once every 2 (two) years. If the resident is not available to accompany Housing Department personnel during the inspection, another person will accompany the Housing Department personnel as a witness. The resident may name an alternative and if the resident does not, the Housing Department may appoint someone to observe the inspection.
For the duration of the occupancy, the resident has exclusive use of the housing unit. The Housing Department may enter the housing unit only for reasonable purposes if:
The resident gives permission for entry or entry is necessary to protect life or property.
Entry is between the hours of 8:30am and 4:30pm, Monday to Friday unless otherwise agreed to between the Housing Department and the resident.
There is an emergency.
The resident has abandoned the housing unit or appears to have abandoned the housing unit.
The Housing Department has a court order stipulating that it may enter the housing unit.
The unit is to be inspected.
Under normal circumstances, the inspection will be done with the resident present (unless circumstances do not allow that, such as when there is an emergency inspection
Any unit that is vacant for an extended period of time will be inspected at least two (2) times per month.
The Housing Department will contact the resident with at least twenty-four (24) hours notice prior to entering the housing unit for an inspection, unless an emergency inspection is required.