METS Funding
The Mi'kmaq Employment Training Secretariat (METS) Program provides funding to assist Mi’kmaq people who do not qualify for funding through the employment insurance program.
Below is a list of available funding options. Contact our employment office to learn more and apply for funding.
The Work Experience Program is designed to help unemployed people to receive hands-on job experience and training for pay, eligible under the unemployment insurance program.
This program is ideal for youth with no real work experience and older workers who want to re-enter the labour market. Participants must be out of the school system for at least one year. Additional details:
the training can take anywhere from 4-36 weeks.
a training outline will be required from the employer
the training is for apprentice and non-apprentice skills
for every hour of training provided by the employer, there must be a minimum of 4 hours of actual work experience/practice of the acquired skill.
People who are employed but are in danger of losing their jobs may consider enhancing their skills. Program details include
applicants should be 19 and out of the school system for at least one year
staff undergoing training are not eligible for skills enhancement funding
tuition and registration costs for skill enhancement courses are covered
The range of applicable skill enhancements includes upgrading/ literacy courses, life skills courses, occupational or skills courses, including apprenticeship training
Skills enhancement funding does not cover high school or university courses or correspondence programs
Funding for project-based training is for people who need specific training to enter or re-enter the labour market. Requirements for funding include:
funding will cover all eligible direct training costs
in some cases, a stipend or allowance may be paid to trainees
in most cases, applicable training should be conducted in a classroom environment and offer a combination of theory and hands-on experience
the training must be conducted by a qualified instructor, ideally of Mi’kmaq descent.
Applicable for community colleges and private college programs.
Trainees should be at least 19 years of age
Tuition and books can be covered
Travel and daycare allowances may be provided
Incremental training can be covered up to 36 months with a career plan
Designed to provide meaningful work activities for unemployed people, the Job Creation Program provides them with work experience that will help them acquire new skills or maintain their current skills during unemployment.
This program is for employers, community groups and communities who want to develop and implement strategies for dealing with human resource requirements.
Funding is available for:
one or more people receiving training
training that will take place between 4-26 weeks